The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)

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Cleveland, Ohio

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I 4 IvJ I ij RA A 1 A'l I I1' KVl UR1 SECTION CLEVELAND PLAIN DEALER SUNDAY JL'NE 21 1UV Van and Schenck at Palace Other New Attractions monolog and comedy given for STATE Gossip and Wise Cracks Along New Rialto version of this success Vaudeville Educated Chimpanzee to as the saying goes Show at Palace amusem*nt AMUsem*nTS player a laORCAT NIGHTS uyuv amusem*nts Melody Lads hero I EAST) 1 her so Bxt White BAfrJD BOX played known addition prises of Stlllmsn a child and a around with a the had UH ORM the Ohio and a In New York He direction of Rob who makes a Palace In vaudeville are better the felt re tho aus of the 8 is ter the hill are Bob Tates Carson tn an assort i patter Mitchell Rny Wynn The Genaro (Continued rom in i) information from the publtO OB tlces We should bestow upon the same advantages that we selves entertainment I things romed of course tie artor' three sm what he een an actor The latest at the Lyric Hammersmith is that of J' agan and his Oxford player with a presentation of Anton "The Cherry Orchard" No Convert Charge With Dinner Parties Thone Lakewood 716 457 for Reservation Si sters READES HIPPODROME Walker in 4 2000 PUAV EACH NlCHT Dtl MOST GORGEOUS EXHIBITION EVER SEEN IN CUE VELANO the Idea of the affection ate doves?" Wilton books the Arnaut brothers and those are Lov ing as they bill their act" he replied And the two a day ex perts called It a nifty James Gleason co author of "Is Zat tells a story of the poker player who with unfailing regular ity would be present every Satur day night at his club and would in variably lose his weekly earnings This player arrived late one Satur day evening to find that the club had been raided the chairs over turned the rooms in a mess He simply closed the door put his pay envelope underneath the door and walked away' This story is one of Mr Gleason's favorites Recently he and Robert Armstrong were invited to be pres ent at a poker session given by the Thanatopsls Poker and Literary Club Of which such members of the intellegentsla as Alex Wooll cott John Peter Toohey Herbert Ross and George Kaufman are members Both Gleason and Armstrong could not attend Instead they for warded an envelope to the club containing several dollar' bills and a number of I 0 Kaufman wrot? Gleason to Him effect that the bills were Immediately accepted and the I placed in the club's safe and I take any chances with that gang" Gleason remarked "We had somebody else sign those I 0 Lunn Park The musical comedy at the Luna Park theater this week is called Girle rom the ollies" and will have Dennie Graves as the fea tured performer rank Maley black face comedian and Jack Noft singer of sentimental songs are in a special act Black Meets White" Other enter tainers are Madeline La ere sou brette and Waldo novelty enter tainer Band Box Pat White is the headliner at the Band Box this week in the new show and Beauty Revue" BiUy Mossey win also be on hand to help the jokes along Others in the cast are Jimmie Walters Viola Spaeth Roy Sears Mart laherty and a new addition to the cast Leona White who will lead the chorus in the musical num bers "June Walker has the most mis chievous pair of eyes on the Amer ican stage and is the typical rench gamin of 'Kikl' said Carl ton Brickert who played the lead for three years In and will take the part of Vlctolre in the McLaughlin repertory company's production of the play beginning to night at the Ohio theater And Miss Walker says: guess I must have been a very good little girl in spite of my 'mis chievous eyes' for I never climbed fences with boys and tore my frocks nor ran away from school My companions were little girls who played with dolls I remember I was always loyal to the headless and battered ones for fear their feelings might be hurt after I re ceived a new doll with golden curls and pink cheeks" "No we had any actors in our family and I am not a small town girl with suppressed longings for the bright lights I was born in Evanston a suburb of Chicago and I run away from board ing school to get Into the chorus although my first experience was in the chorus of one of Raymond shows I went quite tamely with my parents' permis sion" long ago was that? Well I was IT That was one two three oh people want to know how old I am" Since then Miss Walker has starred in a series of Broadway successes Last winter in Pro cessional" she played the hoyden lead a part something like only more deeply emotional and tragic "There was a diversity of opinion about the play in New she remarked "To my mind it Is a story of American life with jazz back ground and played to jazz rhythm One Sunday we had a big meeting in KlaW theater to hear arguments enjoy Back in New York situation of the summer in New York is rapidly grow better Emphasizing its sorry was Kosher title was No names known than Van and Schenck These Brooklyn boys used to work onthe front and rear ends of a streetcar and have risen from that to theposition of the most popular vaude vfll and musical comedy stars Thepair come with a brand new pro gram of songs A Spanish fantasy willalso have an 'important place on thebill at the Palace this week The 'turn Is not all singing and dancingbut is said to have some first class comedy as well Other acts on the program are SHarry Delf comedian and dancer twho has lately played with rances TWhlte in Arthur Jarrett and company in a skit called "Cu Close Ups" Harry Webb and la jazz band McDonald and Oakes Johnson and Baker hat throwers and a posing act Keith's 105th "Alabama is the headliner 105th Street theater this BY I CORRESPONDENT LONDON June 20 The London theaters have been severely crippled by the heat wave which has the city in its grip and as usual when such events cause distress to managers the effect Is being where it counts in the celpts in the local box offices The versatile Noel Coward who when he is not playing in one thea ter giving piano recitals or posing for pictures In Sketch occupies himself with writing plays has written another Two of his pieces now occupy London stages' a murky melodrama of the emotions surcharged with sex and morphine and "allen one of the most risque comedies which has ever evaded the usually me ticulous London censor (featuring by the by the American actress Miss Tallulah Bankhead) Coward's new work Is "Hay ever" and he himself has dlscrlbed it as a "clean and wholesome attraction" Mary Tempest plays the leading role and the piece Is consistantly amusing It was well received the opening night "The Man With a Load of Mts by a dramatic critic the cos mopolitan Ashley Dukes has been warmly welcomed It is a splendid example of really fine dramatic writing Monday night marked the opening of the Pirandello season at th New Oxford theater In connection with the presentation of this complete cycle of Pirandello plays the emi nent Italian playwright will per sonally deliver a series of lectures "Mary Mary Quite the comedy by St John Ervlne pro duced In New York with sonnT de gree of success with Sirs iske In the title role at the Belasco thea ter will be presented Tuesday night at the Savoy No other events are on the theatrical calendar Raymond We All" HANNA June Van and Schenck 105TH Continuous vaudeville and feature film STATE Vaudeville and fea ture photo play HIPPODROME and feature pictures EMPIRE Mutual burlesque BAND BOX Continuous bur lesque LUNA PARK Musical comedy With the "evolution In Day ton Tenn soon to break Into the front pages the engagement of Joe Mend! the $100000 chimpanzee forthe Keith Palace the week ofJun 28 Is of especial interest Thiselghteen month old anlmal ls play a limited engagement in Kelth 'Albee vaudeville prior to sailing for England where Dr Crook nhank one of London's foremost bi ologists will examine him Dr contends that the chim panzee Is the progenitor of the white race the gorilla of the black and the oran utang of the yellow Joe feats came to the attention and he arranged to have the Intelligent little chimpanzee brought to England At eighteen months Joe Mendl has the mental anilities or of 5 He rides a tricycle kiddie kar pushes himself in an express wagon: eats IJttle spoon as carefully and politely as the best bred child of twice his age lie has In all an array of accomplishments which justify hfs right to the claim that he is more human than animal Joe Is being brought up in alto gether human surroundings He sleeps in beds eats at a table wears clothes arid has his lessons just as a child would Since his eatrlcal debut he has learned On Continental Stages REAU TICAUV fcEPftO tXKEO OH A PRODIGIOUS SCALE AARVEI TH RILLING SENSATION A IN THE tXT1 Hitchco*ck in We in the Harina June Walker as in Ohio i itchell Brothers KEITHS 1 05 News and Notes of the Dancing Places (Continued rom irst Page) Mr Chaplin wallowed to his heart's content In physical indecencies too disgusting even to be hinted I learned from this soiled display to admire censorship Sympathetic as we' Americanos are with the various plights of these who live arcoss the pond we should endeavor to prohibit Mr Chaplin from further harming them by his noisome prac them our A GALAXY EMININE 6EAUTV SCINTILLATING EVPERB Winners Tell Why They Like Certain ilms week The bit Is comprised of com e'dy song and dance numbers The company will offer southern melo dies and southern scenery to match Hal Neiman calls himself one of the our Horsem*n and is a sing ing who is said to be clever with songs Others on and Bvlvn ment of song and dance called Getting Ahead brothers banjo players: In "Cycle of Color" and acrobats Loew's Stale ee Wee Myers and ord Hanford come In a comedy offering Arkansas Valentinos" In which they sing dance and make mulsc with a saw Another number on the bill Is the Notre Dame band This orchestra Is made up of all the musical grad uates of the well known Indiana college Othr acts on the program are Chauffeur and Maid" with Gary and Baldi Hazel Crosby "The American with Max Rich at the piano and the three London in "Stage Door The feature photo play is Adolphi Menjou In a Wife" Hipp Bennie Barton's revue a minia ture musical comedy together with an orchestra is the headliner at Reade's Hippodrome this week Elsie Barton violinist and Al Gar belle dancer and singer are the featured player Robinson and ierce In a comedy skit' Jack Mc Auliffe entertainer and fighter: Porter J' White and company in a mystery skit Visitor" and Brosius and Brown in a comedy rid ing act are other acts on the prot gram The feature picture stars Afleen Pringle and 1 called Empire The featured comedian at the Em pire this week is Charles Country who after dropping out for a week returns with a new lino of jokes He will be supported by George ares specialty dancer Ruth Conley Gus laig rankie Moore and Matt Ellison Miss "big title Her been un usually well played lighter comedy roles but "Klkl" runs from boister ous fun to tender pathos It is the story of a Parisian chorus girl who having been fired pleads with the producer for an other chance He finds that she and himself are the "only lonely people In the world And he takes home! Trouble follows and does happiness Carlton Brickert appears Inleading male role a part he ywhen the play was staged by David Belasco Harry Macayden in charge of production and who in winter is stage manager promises an accurate ful play Indians Gave Gilda Idea for "The Egyptian were the origin ator of the shimmy" says Gilda Gray who begin an engagement at the State theater July 5 "The Egyptian had wonderful control of every muscle in addition to a re markable sense of rhythm and color Their movements had the strength and fleetness of the American In dian combined with the dignity and vividness of ancient Egypt Per haps the Egyptians tried to bury their dance but it wouldn stay burled Gilda Gray was born In Poland In the same community from which pola Negri and Paderewski came and her real name Is Mariana MlehaJska Miss Gray earns to America when 7 She went to chool in Milwaukee with Leonore Ulrlc famous Belasoo star She has si son there by a for mer husband "I got my first Inspiration from watching American Indian perform their native he said "The desire to express my emotions in the dance of my adopted country possessed me" many new tricks including cfgaret smoking And tlie latter has cap tivated him completely Miss Ger trude Bauman is owner train er and companion The baby chim panzee was presented to her by Prof Beck a California scientist pho secured the animal in South She conceived the idea of bringing up the chimpanzee like a human Infant and was so remark ably successful in her training of the baby that It gained the atten tion of officials of the Keith Albee circuit who thought it the mostunique novelty of the season and Immediately 'booked it for a tour of the clrcuit 1 BY KARL KITCHEN "EW YORK June Noth ing has interested Broadway more of late than the re was the has or Key to Amusem*nts in Principal Theaters Hitchco*ck tn CharueTSontry Dennie Graves EMPIRE LUNA PARK SHI 1000 col6 a fully COSTUMED PEAotMca IM CENE CaiTY DESTRUCTION and WAR Br on RIVERSIDE yCI BOAD Is Th Aristocrat of Dining Placet OOD WITH PERSONALITY AT POPULAR PRICES Tramp Comedian Heads Program at 1 05th Hal Neiman' a new tramp comic makes his bow tn Cleveland audi ences at 105th Street thea ter In the new bill starting today Since the day of Nat Wills foremost traihp comedian there have been few hobo comedi ans of considerable merit At least vaudeville audiences are acquainted only with Jame Barton Billy Ar lington and a few less celebrated comedians who affect soiled gar ments asd a generally unkempt ap pearance: while such others as there nre cling to burlesque Like Billy Arlington Neiman adopts a grand rnpnner and a lordly bearing which in contrast to Ills appearance Is said to be extremely funny His quips and jests on the "knight of the road" are again pop ularizing this droll character The act listed for uptown house during the coming week calls him "One of the our Horsem*n" a bey and girl to itllifr1 INTERCOLLEGIATE (Midnight rolic Maoical Comedy Directed by Georfe Vivian of New York Palace Monday June 22 11 Proceeds for Scholarihip und Prices $1 to (3 Boxes and Loget $5 Seats on sale at CIRCUS' GROUNDS I Hammond Back Tells What He Saw in Europe Mentor Beach The Abt Kozllk orchestra tfor merly the KozIlk TVallace orches tra) Is now the feature attraction at the large pavilion at Mentor Beach This week it will feature two brand new numbers Here" and "The Show One of the recent additions to this band Is Gian Davis tenor saxo phone player who has also with several othet well bands Rainbow Gardant Perov Lowery saxophone and manager of Tom Howard's Mel ody Lads playing at Rainbow Gar dens has written a new song as yet unnamed It will be featured by the orchestra at Rainbow Gar dens next week and it is planned to ask patrons to name fhe melody Melody Lad? intend to feature both Instrumentally and vocally the latest Philip Spftalny ballad "A Kiss You orget" Luna Park It you care to dance during your lunoh hour next week just tune In on WTAMs noonday program Luna Park dance orches tra will play This week Avellone announces the following numbers as specialties: Porter by red a bye Baby Blues" by Billv Hill: Boat Shuttle" hv Dick Voynow: a Weaver (f Dreams" Eddie Hanson Mabel" by lordlto "Sweet Sixteen" by Elmer Shoebel and "When My Sugar Walks Down' the Street" which seems to get requests every night If it is left off ths program COMEDY will rule in the two play theaters the Ohio and Hanna this week Raymond Hitchco*ck moves tr the Hanna where ho will enact Cyril role In We Miss June Walker will continue In the Ohio where she will have het biggest role of the season the title role in hich Lenore Ulrlc created JInnnn Robert McLaughlin operating both the Hanna and Ohio this summer decided to present comedy in the Hanna after three weeks of heavy dramatic fare Curiously he has selected a bright English comedy with a bright American star for the first of the lighter subjects for the Hanna Wo AH?" Is the tale of a worldly fellow whose amusing sins are executed In the prehistoric ani mal quarters in the British museum His own affairs cause him no trouble but when his daughter in law catches his son kissing another woman it makes the father think fast and work faster to prevent the marriage ship from foundering George ox will make his first appearance in the Hanna in a role (a yet unannounced but it can only be that of the vicar!) in We All?" The play begins tonight Ohio Also beginning tonight Walker will have her first chance" of the summer in the role of "Kikl" In the Ohio past performances have I I TN A The Park of Lv1 izA 1000 Wonders REE AUTO PARKING TOM HOWARD And His Singing and Playing DANCE One Million Laughs Await You at un House Lun' Mammoth Luh Provoking un actory Special Steals and Chicken Dinner at th Reetaurant 7Sc Combination Ticket Good for All Ride for thi subjecti What 1 It that draw you te a moving plctur? rom the letter received each week ten will be chon for tpeclal prize of two ticket each tn th Stillman theater Theta letters of course will have an opportunity the main prize later on The first prize Is 50 the second prize )25 the third prize 15 and th fourth prize io in there will be fifty other two tickets each to the theater All other crises will the best letters containing practical Information on the subject men tioned above received between now and July 22 Among the prte carrying lttre for this week the following ar quoted In part: Hugh Lexington av nue: In Mlwtln tnotla wually cotuldtr Ums drinu and noreltj nd or director The first ehinlr a Vsttfr If I in good picture I will meet certainly to hi next In comedy 1 prefer ba light adventurom type that Johnnj Hlnre plays or the subtle humor of Adolphe Meniou The ludicrwia app! me becauaa it 1 liable to bo umidlMone which to me la wonie than rotten Also I do not like a comedy adopted from the stage bacauae the humor of the euge I think be transferred to the acrean and hold the effect of the spoken word in drama I am more tatldloua aa a matter of fact the oulv real pictures I hae aeen'i ao far are four and and of course Ernest Torrence tn Covered Ruth McKenney 14916 Shaw place Eaat Cleveland: In my opinion the largest factor in the choice of moving pictures is publicity This must be good publicity it must bo truthful and attractive 1 am interested by unuaualneea for instance after re ceiving a bag of nuU advertising I immediately made up my mind that I would see that picture Why! cause I waa interested and curious Intert and curiooity are always followed by a drttre to the picture or tbo stag which has been advertised Knowledge too promotes this dlre I hare heard ana read a great deal about and so I shall surely see thia when it tWIdk Andrews Winckler 1821 Wymore avenue Eant Cleveland: Attractive titles and publicity call at ten tlon to a picture but should the princi pal actors nave lacked the power to hold the internet in a previous picture 1 would probably pww it by in spite of story or direction If and home cntica point nut some special feature such a subtlety clever working out of an Idea a fine bit of acting or especially fine photograph carries great weight and generally sends me to the theater 1 like variety in my movie fare from heaviest tragedy to lightest and reasonable ending for ell Other winners are: Lynn Hedger Quad Hall 75l) Euclid avenue Miss Bash 1970 29th afreet Mrs IL Cranley 10907 Oliver road Mrs Sher man 1948 47th street: Melain McKenish 785 95th street Lowell Holloway Monroeville and Mrs Louise Lumley 5910 Engel avenue You are attracted to a movie in many ways: Its title It star di rector author photos of acenes publicity advertising announce ments review and probably com ments of your neighbor To find out what attracts you 1 th pur pose of this article How do you select your moving picture enter tainment? What sort of movie do you prefer? What influence you In tlje selection of your movie? A large majority of people eem to go to the theater for entertainment purposes only But before doing so they wisely choose a picture which from the publicity advertis ing or reviews appeals to them The to be Given at Salzburg Soon It la now definitely settled that Lady Diana Manners and Mis Rosa mond Pinchot of New York will take part In the performances of "The at the Salzburg estival Plays which will take place from Aug 13 to 31 Prof Max Reinhardt will stage "The and also Hugo Von "Great Salzburg World which was first given two in the Col legiate Church of Salzburg and left a deep impression on the audience The Archlepfscopal Riding school a wonderful building is now being adapted for the festival with part of the American credit which the municipality of Salzburg raised in American The next production at the Han na theater will be Raymond Hitch co*ck in a new play "Service for by Charles Bates Hunt er Hitchco*ck has been besieged with manuscripts but after a care ful reading he has selected this play for a try out at later presentation will be under the ert McLaughlin habit of producing one or two new manuscripts each sumnfer determination to ap pear in a play on Broadway can be taken as an augury of his decision to leave the musical comedy field This decision probably Is the result of his recent success In Old and "The Sap" 4Np Hanford II trained ELEPHANTS HIGH SCHOOL HCOttS CAMELS The drama Ing no dilemma last week Kittv whose enough to damn it as show for and by the Innocent morons A call graph more venomous thart the one upon which these fingers are wan dering would be required to set down the bitter truth about "Kosher Kitty Since such an Instru ment is not at hand it will be neces sary to approximate In the tepid phrases of compassion the bad news concerning the misdemeanor preva lent at the Times Square theater Worthy no doubt In Its Intention to please It proved to be a merci less and Incompetent bore Just an other of those strange things that creep out into Broadway when all the big dramatic critics are off guard The aimless incoherence of this bit of June Imbecility was addressed to an Illustration of the ways of the New York melting pot Kitty Kelly (Miss Helen Shipman) was a care free Irish lass whose predilection for Jewish young men caused her to be nicknamed Adding further heft to the theme was Rosie efnbaum who had a leaning for Pat a brouglsh milkman Other race and nationalities were represented including Wang Lee of whom it was said that ha was Chi nese These character mulled around the Times square for two hours the other night mumbling the feeble and pointless remarks as signed to them by their perplexed composer Mr Leon De Costa It is no more than fair and square to say that people were present at the first performance who deemed the occurrence tp be entertaining and who remained with tho reviewer to the end Those who did dis covered the author thumbing his nose to "Ahis' Irish Rose" in that he caused the Irish to be married to the Irish and th Jews to th Jews pleasant dramatic surprise Miss Shipman a vivacious prlma donna danced with abandon and acted with animation and she sang accompanied by rederick Santley tlie onerous notes of a slavish ballad entitled "Kosher Kitty Mr Santley was game too and de ported himself nervlly as If he were unaware of his cadaverous environ ment There were some good horn blowers in the band but for What reason 'the muslo of 'the play did not explain Rimb6 ig Latest James Gleason Comedy Among the plays' to be presented by "The Players Guild" the stock company In Milwaukee will be "That Bimbo" James Gleason's lat est comedy written In collaboration with his wife Lucille Webster Glea son Both "Is Zat and "The all wefe tried out In Mil waukee by Players of which Mr Gleason was a member If "That meets with ap proval it will be presented in New York early in th falL for and against it Edna erber was there and anny Hurst I was on the platform too and when I heard people talking against It I Just felt as If they were hissing the American flag and I jumped up and told them that they didn't know anything about It but I understood It because I was just like the girl in the play As she was a very bad girl everyone laughed That was my first and last public speech" This is Mis third sum mer In repertory "It is hard work but more pleasant here than any where I have played for Mr Mac ayden knows just what he wants to do and gets it done quickly We never have to rehearse In the afternoon" At that moment her maid came In with a gorgeous purple dress she will wear In the last act of "Kiki" love it?" she said with her gamin smile "I think I will have rhinestone button down the front I am sure would have chosen shiny Hitchco*ck Will Try New Play DANCING 8 Until Closing NINTH WEEK avorite Dance Orchestra Oil 7IK At finest Artificial Bathing W1M Beach in the Middle West SKATE ACTS THAT ARE TOO uARXe TO PERORM UNDER ROO OR TENT MANY EUROPEAN MUSICAL COMEDY 111 Today 3:30 7 8 and 9 A $260 Show A Bevy of Pretty Git I Excellent Cast Talk of the Town I IaIa band concertsb WMMbANMH Thia Afternoon and Evening BAND EMPIRE BURLESQUE bestT CHAS (KLUTZ) I COUNTRY AND HIS COUNTRY MAIDS turn of ay Templeton She a second week at Palace and every performance been a gala occasion for her site still is one of the greatest "favorites" of Broadway Miss Templeton sings the old songs of the Weber and ields days with artistry and those rare notes that us'ed to win the heart of Broad way ay has accumulated plump ness In her millionaire retirement as Mrs William Patterson of Pitts burgh and her gross register puts her at the top of the heavyweights In one of the famous old scenes wherein she and Joe Weber are rid ing in a rolling chair by ields she cuffs Lew and knocks him down As he picks himself up on the Palace stage he Interpolates a new line: "Joe get the number of that Joe and Lew are doing their old paper tearing stunt of forty years ago this week They fold up paper and tear it into tidies and doilies The old variety stuff goes as well as ever it did av remarks that in handling the paper there is a great difference between Weber and ields eber she says could handle smartly that they ran into te vera millions while Lew might as we tear (them up he pays them al out as a producer a nifty tn the act when ay asks: "What is De Wolf replies Joe Today acrobatic dancers In the chorus are called upon to de st uff that a few years ago dancers could perform Jo be a crack hoofer in tills generation means tremendous practice and nat ural inclination for the dance or Instance wayburn teaches his pupts forward and backward splits cart wheels hand stands back bends roll overs nip ups side outs tinsekas butterflies boranls and other stunts as regu lar routine Yet a few years agp only star performers could do these tricks well enough to show them on the stage Now hundreds of girls are turned out who do the most Tnvohed and Intricate acrobatic dances without being contortionists as it was once thought necessary In Alf new home at Manhattan Beach there is one of those well remembered glass bells over the family bed containing two doves kissing their bills A vaudeville actor who was studying the group was askedt I Notes of Amateurs and Experimental Theaters in City Stlberberg Revue Miss Bertha Sliberberg who has been premier dansetise at Lowe's theaters here the past season to night will offer together 1th her pupils her annual dance re vue at the Met ropolitan thea ter 5012 Euclid avenue dances will original and they will he held under pices United hood of 1 ve land The pro ceeds will be turned over to the orphans of the Ukraine The entertainment will begin at 8 Jewish Center Cleveland theater goers will have the opportunity of seeing two of dramatic artists in a per formance at the Jewish Center audi torium tomorrow evening They are David Vardl and his wife Eva Yocllt Both artists are members of the Moscow Art theater and have been favorably reviewed by some of Eu best known critics Mr Morris Spltalny and dancers from the studio of Papolov and Reinhart will also take parL June Eyes Will Help Her in Role of CLEVELAND a A1 a We JKSL claigia mUKb MB Xjflt llfr (Mg Mr HM i "'X' V' Ilf Mi cwW I I A MRU AY I Vt i ii nr cum in UiftW (MIJUV A i il Bertha i a A II I I I I 1 1 1 UMNJSg Mi Mb vi tV XV LaWVV ST I i.

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Author: Catherine Tremblay

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Name: Catherine Tremblay

Birthday: 1999-09-23

Address: Suite 461 73643 Sherril Loaf, Dickinsonland, AZ 47941-2379

Phone: +2678139151039

Job: International Administration Supervisor

Hobby: Dowsing, Snowboarding, Rowing, Beekeeping, Calligraphy, Shooting, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Catherine Tremblay, I am a precious, perfect, tasty, enthusiastic, inexpensive, vast, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.