The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)

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The Plain Dealeri

Cleveland, Ohio

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THURSDAY MARCH 19 1936 CLEVELAND PLAIN DEALER PAGE TWENTY Personals Business Notices Personals Business Notices RUNNING RACES House Group Wrestles With Plan Public Debt Soars 560 to 31 Billion Peak Have Display tn PASS BOOKS BOUGHT AND SOLD 316 track Mae Conaotan VVeo Lost and ound 01l Weather Report Meteorological Report emer 4 i 12 Marine News 12 Card of Thanks 2981 20 77 Cloudy 1 10 36 By Edgar Rice Burroughs The Messenger TARZAN AND THE LEOPARD MEN 1 from a cruci to a group of the effects of Albany pas H)9 Jim Irish 30 11 6 or in GO 30 OK 50 40 36 41 flH 61 30 5K KB (I 006 0 II Elylnif Lakar 002 0 0 0 08 08 0 0 10 RO 0 300 3 hl) 380 TAX PLAN IS SNAGGED Dam but it io i2 With few regret Old Timer gave over hi money belt in return for promie to aid him in escaping It waa a mail price indeed to pay to avoid th Taloned Death of th Leopard Men The black quickly accreted the precioui metal in hi dark hut Complete uneral as Low as S200 Invalid Car Service Day and Night Viola Mcllrath Johnston Lady Assistant 440 fioo fx 36 fur I'an Molly ii 14 10 58 5'2 66 3 280 510 1210 2 Held in Shooting to ace Ex Student 62 66 42 (18 42 300 ft 00 480 31 46 28 ftno 1060 74'1 ir' 30 4 1 4 I 4 1 fit 31 6 'J 0 Station Weather March 18 1936 ined for Pin Ball Game Earl erguson 1331 78th Street was lined $75 and costs by Municipal Judge Mary Grossman yesterday for exhibiting a pin ball game The arrest was made by Patrolman Ray mond Shillat March 5 erguson who pleaded guilty said he had had the machine three months $40000000 Concern to En ter Homes ield and The into Herkimer or 0 34 66 (H 38 66 2 HO Pro REYNOLDS CORP WILL OPEN HERE 61 5'2 36 50 48 3'! 56 38 31 41 40 38 Two men held at Central Police Station in the shooting Sunday of Edward A Webber 28 former Ober lin College student will be confront ed by the wounded man in the City Hospital prison ward today Acting Detective Inspector Charles 0 Nevel said last night Webber who is near death from shotgun slugs that tore off half his face named the two as acquaint ances who inay have followed him to Mayfield Road and shot him because of past disputes the nature of which Webber would not reveal according to Nevel The arrested men admitted they knew Webber but denied being tn the locality at the time of the shoot ing Nevel said the in vestigation was handicapped because witnesses known to have been in the neighborhood had refused to give statements Barometer (sealevel) lemp (dry num I Temp (wet bull) Humidity Wind direction wind veioctiy WOODWARD LODGE NO 568 and A Brethren: You are requested to meet at Woodward Temple riday March 20 at 1 ill IU VUUUUt lUlltioi ices for our late brother A McMahon CHARLES 1 KREJCI WILORD KEELING Secy pro tern to the rough was Bobolo appeared to be furiou at thi defeat of the Taloned cohort but inwardly he wa elated Thi eircumtnce fitted in well with hi a plan that would bring profit to himtelf and torturou death to the unupecting whit man who wa now in hi elutebe! Hardly had the tramaction been completed when a turmoil aroe outside Almost immediately a breathless courier clad in the regalia of the Leopard army rushed into the hut and reported how Tarzan and another white man had escaped after having been captured (fl USS Hear Vice President Tonight Dr Grover vice president of Baldwln Wallac Colege Berea will speak at 7:45 tonight following a fellowship dinner of the congre gation of Centenary Methodist Churh airmount Boulevard and Richmond Road Beechwood Village Bobolo might easily hv made Old Timer sur render the money at th point of knife But Bobolo wa shrewd wanted no commotion or outcry By the iron law of the Leopard Clan all loot belonged to Lulimi th grand chieftain So thi muit remain a secret 4 60 3 on 386 Len Heckler Millen Gabbo Portcodiiie 40 70 58 82 40 18 58 40 46 28 38 32 1:13: 480 410 1190 210 2110 380 Babur Wink Corn I War mure Weather Oakhiwn Mary Sten Snniit Briradft 112 SiRtcr Jean 92: earurii 12: lin Hock JU 2 a 2 80 310 260 10 0 0 nt 360 5110 326 Bold QUOTE ALL PASS BOOKS MITCHELL HERRICK CO 700 Cuyahoga Bldg MAIn 6400 HTII 4 vr )1t'( firi UilS 1 14 nun i t'1 i' 1)3: Pahm 1K Laminar 18: clear track fat Weight allowantt claimed Race Selections March 18 1936 8 sin 12'27 pm 8 pm 29 Binghamton Gas and Water Are Cut Off BINGHAMTON March 18 Swirling flood waters from the Susquehanna and Chenango Riv ers inundated populous sections of Binghamton tonight and shut off the city's water and gas supply Officials said the water In the reservoir would not last more than 24 hours A curtailed gas supply was made possible temporarily by using natural gas from western New York fields The gas and water plants were submerged in the muddy waters which swept away a sandbag barri cade that had protected the irst Ward and forced thousands to flee their homes Three boys and four firemen were rescued tonight after clinging for seven hours to tree tops along the flooded Susquehanna River Entire villages in the surrounding area were completely under water The city of Ithaca where Cornell University is located was shut off from the outside world until late to day when amateur radio operators picked up messages saying the wa ter was receding and "conditions are not so bad" 2000 Homeles in New York ALBANY March Con stantly rising floods drove 2000 more persons from their homes New York State today National guardsmen received ders from Adit Gen Walter Robinson to hold themselves in readi ness for mobilization if the gcncy got worse There was no loss of life age could not be estimated ran into the millions Cold murky waters spread over the banks of two great rivers The Hudson menaced the low areas of Waterford Troy and Albany Mohawk overflowed and Scotia Railroads also felt the flood A Boston senger train ran into a small land slide near Albany but stayed on the track The New York Central posted flood watchmen within hailing dis tance of each other along its "water level" tracks in the Hudson River between Albany and New York This railroad handled in the emergency fast Chicago New York trains of the Pennsylvania Railroad which ordi narily would use the Pennsylvania's own line through Pittsburgh Two Liquor Stores In Lorain Close LORAIN March Two of the four branch liquor stores both in Lorain were closed today One in Amherst and another in Lorain will close litis week leav ing the county with two state stores one In Elyria and the other here LARGEST and inest DE VAND CO 11130 EUCLID AVE CEDAR 0910 ACME irst Cleveland Corp 700 National City Bank Bld PR 1571 0 124 ()' 0 756 beloved Russell riends uneral Churrh dr riday March 20 at 2 a STATED HOURS tn 31 ru 30 HI 31 5 Vi fur: John TlBCfl 1U' A in il sti alii inu Dit ir liar lie tia a Rvrn Pliy 112: Kai inn Whoa Baric 113 Dovf of Prru Candy King Hlk: Wav 113 riend John IMr 108 Hwcypcnnsn Report $1000000 Dam Swept Away BOSTON March State police said tonight the $1000000 Twlh State Gas Electric Co dam at Vernon Vt went out at 11:10 o'clock but power company officials here said only a small part of the dam had given away Its power house had been aban doned shortly before the police said A slx mile jam to the north had caused apprehension for several days Residents of Hatfield were ma rooned The report said Hadley and Sutherland were abandoned North field was the first town in the path of the partly released waters Sow loss of life was feared New England previously had placed its death toll at sixteen because of I floods which ravaged its lands the past week A southeast storm deluged the area and mountain snows softened by continued unseasonably warm tem peratures poured thousands of tons of water Into raging rivers which in turn engulfed whole communities submerged highways and railroad trackage swept bridges before them and cut lines ot power light and telephonic communication The most serious damage was wreaked along the winding valley of the Connecticut River and its tribu taries from the northern stretches of New Hampshire and Vermont to Long Island Sound but scores of other streams in western Massachu setts northern and central Vermont added their toll to the destruc tion In the armington River Valley at New Hartford in northwestern Connecticut the bursting of the 92 year old 200 foot wide Greenwoods Dam sent 8000000 gallons of im pounded water tumbling toward the Connecticut isolating the tiny vil lage of Kingdom and swept away several buildings of a hard ware factory besides forcing resi dents to retreat to second stories of their homes 0 Tells Own Story of His Crucifixion OCAlA la March (API Spiked hand and foot to a heavy wooden cross and his lips sewed to gether with heavy twine George Timmerman 39 unemployed carpen ter was freed today flxion which he laid unidentified men Timmerman nailed cross by 30 penny nails was re leased by police summoned to the wooded section of a city park by James White a friend of Timmer man Sheriff Thomas who said he had learned that Timmerman had whiled away his time by sticking pins needles and tacks in his body at a tourist camp after losing his job on the lorida cross state canal said tonight that the criciflxion "looks like a fake to Timmerman reported in great pain at a hospital but in no danger said he was driving his house car to Camp Roosevelt to apply for an other job on the canal when he was halted by a man with a pistol He said he was forced into the woods by the man who threw a heavy hunting coat over his head and was joined by three or four oth ers After the first nail was driven through his hand Timmerman relat ed he lost consciousness He said while he was being manhandled one of the men muttered ought to teach you to keep your trap you should have stayed out of lor ida while you were away" Sheriff Thomas and Police Chief Spencer said they learned that the man had been termed a "labor MERLE OWEN 15848 Euclid ave GpenvHlft mQL LOWER PRICES Our large volume of business enable to give you LOWER PRICES BY GRAVATT While there were two more fur naces in blast on the last day of ebruary than at the close of Janu ary the amount of iron ore con sumed during the month dropped 319262 tons below the amount con sumed in January according to the report of the Lake Superior Iron Ore Association The ebruary consumption amount ed to 2632306 tons against 2951568 tons for January and 2467269 tons in ebruary 1935 This represented a gain for ebruary over the same month a year ago of 165037 tons The amount of ore on hand at docks and furnaces on March 1 to taled 25808527 tons against 29557805 tons at the same time last year The number of furnaces in blast on the last day of ebruary was 101 WILRED BISHOP DIES Ex Mail Clerk Had Been in Service 38 Years Wilfred Bishop 75 retired railroad postal clerk who had trav eled hundreds of thousands of miles in his 38 service died last night after a short illness at his home 2469 Kingston Road Cleveland Heights Mr Bishop retired in 1927 His steady daily run had been to Pitts burgh and back on the Erie Rail road He is survived by his wife Caro line two sons and two daugh ters Robert A Dwight Isabel and Mrs II McKibbin uneral services will be held Sat urday at 2:30 at the Ben nett uneral Home 11212 Euclid Ave nue Burial will be in Solon Ceme tery near Mr birthplace 90 Dies After ifteen oot Leap Charles Brill 90 died late yester day in Lakeside Hospital from a skull fracture after he had leaped fifteen feet from his bed room win dow to a stone porch Tuesday night Police said suicide was due to despondency over ill health He wns a resident of a private con valescent home at 10921 Wad Park Avenue SAGA: Helen We want to express our sincere thanks to our many friends who were so kind to us at the death of our beloved wife and mother and also for the beautiful floral offerings received MR JOHN RANCIS SAGO AND DAUGH TER PAULINE I (1 fur (chutel time nn df 9 HA flt UIW CONVICT CHE IN KILLING Jurors ind Him Guilty of Assault In Restaurant Shooting A verdict ot guilty ot assault and battery was returned yesterday ngninst Nick Kavaras 52 restau rant chef by a jury in Common I'lons Judge rank Day's court He was sentenced to three months in the workhouse Kavaras was tried for manslaugh ter in connection with the death of Oliver Eirmann 24 ot 7105 Platt Avenue a mechanic whom the chef shot in attempting to halt an argument in a restaurant at 7817 Woodland Avenue on eb 2 JAMES MONNTT JR An announcement of great inter est to the building Industry and to Intending home builders came yes terday with Information that the Reynolds Corp of New York had arranged to establish a branch office and display here and that Stouder Thompson would be Cleveland man ager The Reynolds Corp Is originator of what is known as the Reynolds system of house construction and is one of the largest concerns In the building materials field With its affiliates the corporation forms a $40 000060 organization One of the affiliates Reynolds iscal Corp will make available lending funds on homes carrying Reynolds specifica tions With Its coming Into Cleveland the Reynolds Corp will set up immedi ately a building materials display in the arcade of the Terminal Tower on the Prospect level where its branch office also will be The Reynolds system which is be ing studied by many builders and architects in this section after suc cessful use in the east does not con cern itself with either exterior or in terior finish but confines itself to basic frame of the house Insulation heating alr condi tfoning and plumbing It originally entered the field to promote alumi num foil insulation which already has been used in many houses Later others lines of construction materials were developed to meet the demand for a single source for related build ing elements until the corporation now supplies in one bill of goods most of the basic construction ma terials Besides aluminum foil insulation the display here will show metal lumber for joists studs sills anf all framing units besides plumbing equipment even to thermostatic con trol for shower The metal lumber has aroused large interest because it can le sawed and nailed on the job or for economy may be had in re quired sizes Reynolds also makes its own reinforced steel wire lath and slabs for floor construction to which flooring may ba nailed Thompson known for years as president and manager of the Sykes Thompson Co realtor and asso ciated with tjie Van Sweringen Co in development of Shaker Heights properties said yesterday: "There will be no hint of inter ference with established architects or builders Tn fact the Reynolds Corp can work only with their co opera tion The entry of Reynolds into this field is an effort to meet the demand for houses which will stand up as good Investments for owners and safe risks for lending Thompson worked several years for home betterment as leading Cleveland member of the Home Owners Institute 366 6311 i Rover MOlIlVf Government orecast WASHINGTON March 18 Official weather fnreciRi for Thursday anil J'rhtdv: air wanner Thursday riday cloudy and warmer probably showera Went Viremia Generally fair rifting temperature I huraday preceded by Jig hi mow exhemo cast portion in morning riday increasing rloudmcM and warmer probably ihowcrH al night WcHlcrn Mostly Cloudy with hIowIv iiamg icmperature Thursday untedud by hrhl ram or enow in caRt 1'0111011 Thursday morning riday rlmidy and warmer probably Kliowcm at night Western New York rinudv with slowly piping temperature Thursday posmhlv liaht rain or In enrrme cast portion in morning: riday cloudy and warmer Tower IncrcMlng clHidmM and somewhat warmer rain or huow ex treme west Thursday afternoon riday ram or snow somewhat wanner 1'pper Cloudy snow and aornnwhat warmer weal Thursday I riday cloudy west ram or snow and goniuwhut warmer east Imho Moderate enuthast winds: snow mirth rain or snow south portion Thursday Cleveland Weather Report The following data baaed nn observa tions made al 8 75ih meridian time yeglcrday are furnished by the local office of the thilted States Weather Bureau Ktanuard minmiig Death and uneral Notices Plain Dealer Thursday March 19 1936 MILLER: Joseph beloved husband of Mary (nee Hoekey) father I hleanore Now at Mather's uneral Home L7 25th st where services will be held Saturday March 21 at 3 late residence 3203 25th st MITERMILER: Sadie (nee Corrigan) be loved Wi(e ot John daughter of Celia (nee KUbane) and the late Martin sis ter of Mae Mrs Catherine Kmney Margaret Celia Eugene and her mother's residence 1 6821 Lmnett ave uneral riday March 0 St Ignatius' Church at 10 a M1TTINGER: George beloved husband of Mary (nee Raimer) father ot Marianne Eugene and Jerome at his residence 2638 enwick rd Wednesday morning uneral Saturday morning Services at Gesu Church cor ner Washington and Miramar blvd at 9 a ra Omit flowers please J1UL1IGAN: Anna sister of Mary Katherine Hugh and Lawrence at her residence 4211 Prospect ave Services at residence Thursday March ll at 4:30 i Mass and interment at Balti more Md riday NEILL: Wilmer A beloved husband of Mamie Neill nee Putt) at Daytona Beach March 18 at 11:30 a hu neral notice later PRICE: William beloved husband of Margaret brother of Theodore cl Arlington residence 9o01 Wade Park ave Remains at the De vand uneral Home 11130 Euclid ave Serv ices Thursday at 4 RICHARDS: Windsor beloved hus band of Blanch (nee Ihmsen) father of Mrs Chester Hall of Morristown earlv Wednesday morning at his late residence 9711 Logan et riends may call at the home of the John I Nunn Co 2041 89th st Services riday March 20 from St Agnes' Church at 8:30 a Interment al Pittsburgh Pa ROCKER: Samuel age 71 passed away early Wednesday at his home 1563 Gknmont rd beloved husband of Han nah father of Henry A Philip Leo Mrs David Schonberg Mrs A Rapport Mrs Newman uneral from Jewish Center 105 st and Grantwood ave Thursday at 1 Please omit flowers RESSELL: Carrie passed away Monday uneral services will be held at her late home in Chagrin Jails 31 Olive st Thursday 2 Burial at Orange Hill SMITH: Pauline (nee Mies) beloved wife of Mathew darling mother of Ed'ward Leonida Masterson and Robert Tuesday March 17 1936 at her resi dence 4314 Henritze aye uneral Saturday March 21 Services Our Lady of Good Counsel Church at 10 a SPALT: Hattie (nee Etzel) beloved wife of Victor mother ot Evan residence 487 118th st Remains at the De Vand uneral Home 1113(1 Euclid ave Services at Ninth Reformed Church 74th st and Lockyear ave Thursday at 2:30 STUECKRAD: Anna of 3582 Latimore rd Shaker Heights beloved aunt ot Ber tha Schneider and Elsie Snook cousin of Anna Hoffman passed away Monday March 16 1936 riends may call at the Koebler uneral Home 19(56 82d st at Euclid ave after 1 Wednes day Services there Thursday March 19 at 3 TAEUSCH: Sophie 2033 Cornell rd beloved sister of Lizzie Ct aunt of Mrs Homer Gifford and Taeuseh Wednesday morning Services and burial at Wapakoneta Ohio riday TITGEMEIER: Carl IL husband of the late Bridget father of Carl jr and Mrs Anna isher Monday March 10 1936 Services at the late residence 1 1208 Superior rd Cleveland Heights Thursday March 19 at 2 TOBIN: Kathleen daughter of the late Michael and Mary beloved sister of Mrs Mary Mcadden John Agnes Mar guerite Mrs Angela Hamlin Wednes day March 18 at her residence 3281 Avalon rd Services Saturday March 21 at St Cecilia's Church at 9:30 a Kindly omit flowers WAGNER: William beloved husband of Emma (neo Schaefer) brother of George rank and August suddenly Monday afternoon late residence 2045 Morrison ave Lakewood riends may call at the funeral home of Nickels Son 14500 Madison ave Services riday March 20 St Clement's Church at 9 a Please omit flowers WALTON: Gertrude Hutchinson wife of the late John Whittlesey Walton moth er of Mrs John Holt Mrs Clinton DeWitt Mrs I Lamson Jennings Mrs William Osborn and Mrs rank Dorr Wednesday March 18 at her late resi dence 1980 ora Drive Sendees at Christ Chapel Church of the Covenant ndav March 20 at 2 Burial private Please omit flowers WHEELER: Charles husband of the late Josephine (nee Meade) father of Mrs Hugh Strachan at Lake Worth la March 16 Notice of funeral later WRENCH Ada (nee Companey) 3653 114th Beloved mother of William daughter of Mary and sister of Roy and Mrs Coletta Smith Wednesday March 18 uneral Saturday March 21 from Claus uneral Home' 11200 Miles ave at 8:30 a Services at St Catherine's Church at 9 a IE jnifNSI ONc ifnub 15314 McCauley Hahrlth'tKE600 Orrnnit Nahtl TlPflB i 111 117: Rival Vixen HIS vr mds up fl fur: Little Dinah 110 Chinese Empress 107 Zay inn rrnifiia I MJ Tune Ill) Snixi 1 1 Allowances 3 yr oJd (1 fur: Sachem 110 Clumrer 110: Lp Horn 110 Microbe luft Sliot 1 110 Lol Hirer 110 ste Louise 109 Dandy Boy 110 Allowances 3 yr olds up mile: Columbiana 103 I'arsley IH): Wild Tur key 103 Rilow Zero i 08 Lady Illgloss 108 loeauel 110 4 vr nMii up Eaftipnt Way I ID: Dig nr Cloudy Cloudy Hlrluuit Wind velocity 51 rulk per hour rroni ine norm ai i TEMPERATURES AT fl a 29 3 a in 0 9 a rn 29 0 Noon 10 I ternpcratrirn temp ftatCM dalr year LowmI npcrftlure Wr dnday Lowest trinp fame date 1nt year iiimniiMlHMi Normal tinpcratutr 3 5 tMnp ilii mouth to date uO Awunnulated nHb irnry idnrn Jan 1 224 1 flcirnry of precip lid mo to date Ol I deficiency since Jan UNIVERSAL SERVICE (INSENSt 8 (Copyright 1936 hr Unheriwl Scivke) TROI'KAL PARK 1 Last Time Dlsle I'rlnress Chlrae a Conservative Sun Cr 3 wsh Known Damn Qtib kly Jiitksnipe 4 KTIXL Zay Wee Time 5 Mhhnt IT Shrtn Lady lllglomi Wild Turkey (olum El mu Eaaleat War Polo Parity Ccilbii nnlmnr EPMIM DOWN'S 1 Rolr Royal Arthur Coventry Agent Crtrhir No Worry CtpMe lame Harney Allh Whoa Hark 1 Patti frUrry pry Lucky 4'olor ate rhnnitline Whlaklng humlerhmr Hiiyebno Owen Olrb bnrMta Owen Martinez Our Admiral Lovilu Juata Hymn OAKLAWN PARK VSearwrll Hlr Nida ind Time Tax MaAfcHING THr Pat Harvey 4 Dear I blnc nn Laker Early Hour Gentnd Hoy Hhm clone nolhtirdy Tulrvrlm 5Vnnd Smiterno 7 Mibrre DaxtrrM Dnnrork Ihmnle AIR (ROUNDS 1 rnrr ALVA Ikar Lane I win kllny Eye Mun Dora Hooeord Indefinite I'rohallonrr Rex Recent Later On 1 Gay lUrl Wild IfHinlt PariKhiM Kurdalr Kninfed Hrrmdway Liichta PanrmiM Don Heart Ihrak Ahnadel Jr ftimw Man Mac Mourn TIM ORN Hon Mint I lint Rida Sweet Myater olly Cold Mate 'I raitnr hpd idrl Pain I Heverly Hlll Hnltlebr ain antrlp tihtlr Air Danheld Iady Sate i I rOPAGANDIM UaOilnt Culori Chartrea Air Smiadr on DHtrlbiHe Dnn nt leM ML Wlnaluw Nihil Drawn Whilom Genntta Lily Notify Watch These Today: AT I ItOI'K AL Lust Time 1st AT I lohkn lute fill) AT Three l)xrs 7th AT (AIR tltOHNDM ltli1 tth AT TAM Air Hmimlmn 7th Copyright 193(1 by Universal Service) 280 23(1 tin EEN STONE Saxon Queen Cogay Thutle Nira 300 320 Crout An Pot' Blue pay fur 11K Scothiiid Mirabon 113 Ducky 115 DOAN' TATRA ROUMANIAN WEST SIDE AETNA hanern 108 Habnn Ill Lights 107: Jmt Mra 100 10k Busopi 108 Sainted Ned 109 Teeny Weeny Vote 108 Nahwlyn 105 SIXTH 4 yr nlda upIrenea Bob PS Ridre Mor fnuit 114' Hfftrt llrnalt 1 Crwnmk 113 War Saint 113 4 yr ohl up 1 mile and 70 yards Pun 113 Lomrncrn 99 Immutable 10 Mac Moon 10( Dmldv Hill 111 Showman Ill SI Carl 111 Nanny I) 196 rimar Jones 169: Alexander 101 Al model ir 111 Ruflday Ill Honohlna 111 "Try air 106 Knot 106 Julius 113 Weather clear truck fast Wright allowance claimed Oaklawn Entries IRST Malden JLyrrddi rourne: Gailey Sweep I Ron 107 Purtever 107 112: hiev Sub Harrv Uichmaii patn nt 107 Hasty to 112: Sarah 107 SECOND Sales Tax 115 Mir rntav I I 6 irst Tunc 115 THIRD 4 yr ohH up Oaklawn oonrse: Count Doan 111: Put Ill Hashing Thru 111 Harvey (I Ill: Contrary 106 Dancing Lady 1)1 CiCRTH 4 vrolda up mile and 70 vds Glendye 112: Sitwto 02: Ccrro 112 Carnival 112 Printenins 107: Small nature no jesaie near nu lynn 107 Young Joint 101 112 Mareve 107 Topway 112 ITH vr nlds mile nnd 70 yds Anlmlatlon Dl Me 102 Cvelnne 105 Early Hour 110 Enlmrac 104 General Boy lit) Spanish Hour Hit Onwentsfa 1J0 yr olds up 1A miles: hardy 105 Union 112: Barcardl Sweep 13 TiilryrlM Wand 107 Santerno 116 SEVENTH 1 vr iMs tP 1U miles: Monocle HO Blind Guardian 100: Salle 111 Donnie 111 Dunrwk HI Koster 105 Monody )0 Three Daggers 110: Northern Water 110 Weather dear (rack fast Weight allowance claimed Tropical Park Entries vr oli) UP 6 fur: Dlx'" Prim css 101 Malden 99 Up 101 Clilrac 109: a Lorraine (HlBelow Cost 101: Wigrose 161 Blade 16 I 161: Time PI): Slave Ill lalSmaltmnn entry Malden 2 yr jlds 4 fur: Mavro 112 Savage Beauty 112 Queen ull 112 Conservative 112 lying Netta 112 Pamirs who 112: Sunerax 112 Catliv 112 Gleaming 112 Derby town 112 Twosome 107 THIRD 3 vr nlds 6 fur: 106 Armful 106 103: Police Move 110 llama Quickly Ill rulillo imnii iin Mania irm 111: knows 119 Jack March (AP)hllc debt shot up to a $31447106057 today loaders advanced to time when President program Is likely touse floor ways and means sub committee plunged into its third week of wrestling with the $792000 000 revenue plan apparently fr from solutions of some ot the snarled problems which kept springing into the path of a proposed levy on un distributed corporation income Chairman Samuel Hill (D) Washington of the sub committee late today said sentiment was "fair ly well on exempting banks from the proposed tax on un distributed corporation earnings "We probably will do something similar with all life insurance com panies" he told reporters "Mutual insurance companies other than life probably will be left under the pres ent law $945443700 Debt Increase The public debt climb resulting from this huge borrowings showed up in the daily statement The increase was $945 443700 Exchange of $544553400 of old gov ernment securities for new and cash borrowing of $1355000000 made up the $1900000000 total ot March financing Of the latter $453000000 was set aside to (retire notes due March 16 leaving the actual new borrowing at $903653550 That boosted the cash balance to $2756749061 placing the national debt at $28690356996 Chairman Doughton (D) North Carolina of the full ways and means committee carried to President Roosevelt during the day a that April 15 would see" the tax bill in the midst of House debate or the third straight day Hill came from a morning session of the sub committee unable to announce even a tentative decision on any of the intricate questions that arose after it began prying deeply into the corporate tax proposal (The president has suggested $620 000000 additional money be obtained from taxes on corporation dividends and undistributed earnings and $517000000 be produced over two or three years by new processing taxes and a levy to recapture unpaid or refunded AAA processing taxes) Death and uneral Notices Plain Deale? Thuredsy March 19 1936 BISHOP: Wilfred 2469 Klnwton rd Cleveland Helirht beloved inuband pt Caroline father of Robert A Dwlsht IL lanliel and Mr McKibbin Wednesday riends may call at the 8 Bennett uneral Home 11212 ku elid ave where services will be held Saturday March 21 at 2:30 Burial Solon Cemetery BRILL: Charles beloved father of Mrs Linn and Paul 11 Brill of National Park Remain at the De Vand uneral Home 11130 Euclid ave Service Saturday 1:30 CASH: Walter husband of Alice father of Betty son of Albert and Mary Cash brother of Mrs Rose Dearborn and Mrs Mar Maxill Tuesday March 17 1936 Rieldeiice 7615 Lawn ave irieuds may call nt Charles Melbourne Sons 127 do Euclid ave where service will be held riday March 20 at 2 DAVIES: Moraan beloved nusband of Martha (nee Poleynl son of the late ivId and Elizabeth brother of Mrs Ethel Harrlann March 16 at hie rcsL (Icrve (1991 Harvard ave riondg may calf at the Harry Maher uneral Home 12619 Woodland ave where services will be held riday March 20 at 2:30 DEN1Y: Dorothy beloved wife of Ben mother ot Charles Tilton daughter of Mr and Mr Thomas Rusk March 17 at Bedford Hoapital Now at the home of tho Millard Son A Raper Co Car negie at 105 st where services wi be held Thursday March 19 at DUENIMII: Helen beloved daughter of Phillip and Anna siMter of Coletta and Evelern at her late residence Schreiber rd riends may call at Jnninga Mullaly uneral hom*o 1916 JUd at Services riday at 10 a at Church of the Little lower Granger rd Gar field Heights ELLSLE1C: MllHani soil of the late John A Ellsler March 6 at Holy wood brother of the late John Effie Ellsler Weston and Annie unde of John Park Eltelcr of Rocky River ERNST: Mary beloved wife of Victor mother of Marjorie Wednesday morning March 18 residence 1JU Webb rd Now at the Saxton Dame Mastick uneral Home 215 De troit ave where services will be held riday March 20 at 3 RANK: Anthony (Andy) age 72 be loved husband of Mary (nee Moersch lor) father of the late Harry Dr Anthony and Eugene grandfa ther of lorence Genevieve Paul and Eugene brother of Barbara Eva Kate Jennie and Peter at his late residence 7715 Myron ave Wednesday March 18 uneral from Brickman uneral Home 7208 Superior ave Services at St rancis Church Satur day March 21 at 9:30 a Indian apolis papers please copy REEBORN Emma age 90 beloved mother Of Della reeborn of Cleve land Mrs Hastings and reeborn of Decatur Ga Monday March 16 1936 in Decatur Ga Serv ices at Hilliard Sons uneral Home Wadsworth Thursday March 19 at 2:00 RITZ: William age 69 years beloved husband of the late Linda (nee Smith) father of William and Orrin grandfather of William Ill ana Elaine Mav brother of trank George Edward Mrs Anna Rossow and Mrs Minnie McEachern Tuesday evening at the residence of his son Orrin Now at uneral Home 2327 Hnlm den ave where services will be neia riday March 20 at 2 GROSSMAN: Alfred Louis beloved son of Louis and Lula (deceased) brother of Eloise Marguerite and Genevieve suddenly Tuesday March 1 193b at residence 9704 Lorain ave how at McGnrray Bros uneral Parlors 3040 Lorain ave Services Saturday March St Church at 10 a GROW: BMnehe 1052 Pembrook rd Cleveland Heights beloved mother of Mrs Merle Wickham Remains at the lynn roelk Co uneral Home 13104 Euclid ave uneral riday March 20 from Christ the King Church at 10 'a GUNTON: Richard age 78 years be loved husband of Margaret (nee Elliott) father of Emmett Percy Irwin Sarah Mrs Ethelyn Dilts grand father residence 1740 Catalpa rd neral services will be held at PenJ'CCOfitai Church corner Lexington and both at Thursday March 19 2:30 HAMLIN: Mrs (nee Hamil) 15710 Kinsman rd suddenly Wednesday March 18 uneral Saturday March 21 at 10:30 a St Cecelia's Church 150th and Kinsman Please omit Howers HOLMES: Anna East beloved wife of Harman mother of Mrs em Evans and Mylan Holmes residence 4827 Lexington ave Now at Klanke I arr neral Home 15407 Detroit ave Lake wood uneral service will be held at Pentecostal Church Lexington aye and 55 st riday March 20 at 1 Interment at Lodi HOOD: Thomas husband of the late Nettie father of Charles Mrs ay In gendorf and grandfather Tuesday March 17 1930 residence 14404 Dar win ave riends may call at Chas Melbourne Sons 12737 Euclid ave whor* services will be held Thursday March 19 at 3:30 Please omit flowers HUMAN: Susan mother of LuMla Lindhorst Sarah Eastward George Ed ward and rank Saturday March 14 at Los Angeles Cal Burial at New Waterford Sunday March 22 at 2:30 KOVARIK: (Kennedy) Clement bc loved husband of Irene (nee Burnett) eldest son of Clement and Anna Kov arik brother of Gladys Jerry Wtnnt fred Hisera Stanley Grace Annottco John and Dorothy suddenly Wednesday morning riends may call at Hie home of the John I Nunn Co 2041 89111 st where services will he held Saturday March 21 at 2:30 a 1 a of JUerKl IK IUV4 11 WHO ytvu mother of Walter Harvey and red grandmother of Robert Kathleen and Rii'hard Lorenz Wednesday March 18 1936 residence 3615 Lincoln blvd riends mav call at Chas Melbourne Sons 12737 Euclid ave where serviceswill be held Saturday March 21 at 2 LUPTON: anny Richardson wife of the late Henry mother ot Jeannette Lup ton Scott and Dilworth Lupton Serv ices Thursday March 19 1936 3 o'clock at 1040 Devon rd Pittsburgh Pa Kindly omit flowers MATTEV: Anna (nee Jordan) wife of the Arthur sister of William Ora and John Jordan at the residence 19700 Puritas ave Now at the Saxton Daniels Mastick uneral Horne 1321u Detroit ave where services will be held Saturday March 21 at 3 MrCALL: Mary nf 503 103d st be loved mother of Janies I) grandmother of James and Julia entered into rest Wednesday morning Remains will be at the chapel of Geo Sharer Inc 2136 Prospect ave until Thursday eve ning Services and interment Marietta McCOV: Wilbert Bradley beloved brother of Mrs Sadie Sawhill March 18 Re mains at Edw Lindhorst Son neral Home 1610 Clark ave where services will be held riday March 20 at 2:30 MrMAHON: Emma widow of be loved mother of rank Edward of Calsary Canada and Mrs Walter Hatch of Toledo grandmother of Rita Tim and Jeanne at the residence of her son rank McMalioti 1337 East blvd neral riday March 20 at 10 a at St Thomas Aquinas Church Please omit powers MrMAHON: Harry A residence 133d st suddenly Tuesday husband of Lottie father ot and Mrs Genevieve Kennedy may call at tho late residence from Glenville irst Almanac for Today Sun rises nt 6:33 a sets at 6:38 Moon rises nt 1:13 a sets at 2:40 EAST MISSISSIPPI RIVER Alpena Pt Cloud Atlantic City Rain Boston Rain Rain Charleston cloudy Chicago NE Clear Cleveland Cloudy Cloudy Detroit Cloudy Duluth Cloudy ui Green Bay Pt Cloudy Clear Knoxville Cloudy Marquette SB Clear Meniphla 3W Clear Milwaukee Clear New Orleans Clear New Rain Rain 8 Marie Cloudy Toledo Cloudy Washington Cloudy WEST MISSISSIPPI RIVER Denver Cloudy Des Moines Cloudy Galveston Clear Cloudy Kansas City SS Pt Cv Los SW CloudyMinneapolis Cloudy Okla Pl Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Rapid Cloudy St I Is Pt Cloudy Salt Lake Clear San rancisco SW Clear CANADA Calgary Cloudy 1't Cloudy 1'orl A Pl Cldy dear Clear CAT LOST: Smoke Persian March 12 reward 1527 Elmwood BO 1956J DOG LOST: Sun male fox terrier pup: white black markings reward 2830 Attleboro rd Shaker WA 6563 DOG LOST: Police male tan face and legs license 30931 reward YE 1213 DOG LOST: Wire fox terrier male tan black white CE 1809 reward DOG LOST: Police puppy female brindle rew ard LO 7670 Kaufmann Sons Inc 3305 25 6t SHadyBide 4500 Moat Beautiful THE BENNETT CO 11212 Euclid ave GArtleld 1420 "Three Generation ot The Millard Son Raper Co Carnegie at loom er ww THE KOEBLER CO I960 82 st (at Euclid) CEdar 9065 1420 1070 1060 25'40 ''AJUOArtA rK rn Jodhpur Don Alvaro Be There Teeter Totter All Bay High Bottom Cornelia Powell On 4 fur time :56: ROUGH CREEK Nolan 810 380 30 SIDE Callahan 740 4 LADY Haas Bu leet Miss Star Cluster Ruth Seoul Scholar Girl Lady Past lamp colonel Miss 'xy reggy 5H fur time 1 ipS'At MYTURN Nolan 12 30 30BESS COT 2(0 rnwK'2Tnw Um inn uiir wsn a may Mary Carmen Oddesa Beau Royal Go Balisite fl fur' rime 1'13: AST MOVE Kamar 880 430 BERT HEID Haas 430 OU1CK LIGHT Nolan JL T1A Til It All I VI iu ing Mail Pitler Pat Villa Maid Be 6 fur time ICKLE CHANCE Hanford THE DARB Rukaa untcu'iun XJaUti High Image Amaaing Clarify Lover 1 A miles time CHANCEVIEW Callahan 60 30 NAVANOD Morlen 30 BALAAM Dudley Our Count Rip Van inkle ield Mlle time 1:42: Meloclte 13 20 6 OQ BELLE GRIER Parke GENEVA CROSS Hanauer ct 1zw fl rr muni Sherron Thistle Ray Oitclll Orthftnrism 1 A miles lime 1:49: NOCTURNABLE Kamar 610 4 6 CATINO Pierson 80 DARKLING Nolan Muscle In Master Time (aw Caw Ea Kate Greenaway DAILY Lero and Myturn paid S2U20 for 12 Tanforan Results 6 fur time 1:14: HELENE MADISON Schult 400 34 Yaeer K3A) I un Rlposo Ianrar Nell Bex Hill Bill the Kid Ethel Mae san ioe na riecioi 44 lur time :5: NONJMAGE Baltukl 420 24 PROUD INDIAN Thompson 260 NASDEN Richardson Disaster Sheik Howdy Andy Mr Heather Maori Lad Broad Trooper Ward The Lake THIRD fl fur time 1 1 3 DODIE Schultz 1660 64'1 WLLiANT QUERN Yager 2066 Ira WraTkd dr Black Minnie Rose Crystal Adam Somers rlaxr Alslsto tnrtT rgrif MaLMAISON Srhult 760 440 DRAT SERGEANT Yager 300 ROMA Jamea Squaw Budding Star clivity 6 fur tim 1 12: OUR MAE Jolley fl'iO 360 PARTY SPIRIT Izishman 2O HOME LOAM stalling Bye Lo Orra Barcarolle Sea Clift Xor aiion Mile time 13SM: Helm I12O ft4 SLAPPED Balaski 10 8O Dark winter Coldwater Strange Times ray waning 1 A miles time 1 46: HIS WAY Hurns 900 420 SWEET Shuliz 520 JiEHEMOJH I MNodv Lanf Lad Starbmok loci rinrc4 paimsna 1 miles time 1 MORPHEUS Phillipa 1020 4f ZEVAR Yager 1 80 BATTLING KNIGHT James I Miss lip Daudet Nappus Tanforan Entries IRST 2 vr nlds 4 fur: Boy Ill Idler il New Ill: Mortgage Pride 115: Bell Star 101? In 111: lint Rldse 113 Superior Hills ILL 8 ret Mystery Ill Proud Goldie JU8 Leandro Ill Hl 3yr olda UP 6 lu'H I11" Selection 115 Brown Idyll 10: Easier Doll 105: Iirole Polly 105 Rahway lira Lucflte ID) Primo I'harosh HO Burning rei 115 Star 1 lb (old Wave 115: Memphl Lms 110: 110 olds up 6 furi: Light 101 Beverly II HI 1 05: Pa Up 101 Sally's Bootrr Hl: 1M: Glyndon llr lle 101 Speed Girl 1()War Letter 1 10 Allowances 3 yr (lds up fur: Redo lit: Rattlebrain 96: RiJmg By 104: Cantrip S16 (a)perrfly Ill Accorder 111' Mr Spence HI: LilAmy Cooper iOH Merry Go Round IpfL Evic tion 106 Erin Lad IM ()Mredamre Bom and Cbaa Cooper miry 3 yr olds mile: Machado 107 Sir Row lO 'L Sage 2 Mao 102: Tritoma 99 panllr 107: Boid Courtier 109 Thlatle Air 4 vr n)d up 1 A mile: lail ing Colors 107: Regardless 102 Propa gandist 102 Trickling 93 thartre 10'2 3 yr olds up mile: The Triumvir HI Double our 1 2 l)i tribute 114 Dirigible Jit: Riley Hl Air Squadron 10(1 Hunoroue Ill: Daunt less Miss 109: Happy Hunter 111 4rr ld up 1 A mllre: Parley Vrua 109 Lhaltrelr 109 Drastic Goal 109: Winelow 114 Pancratlr DM Gentleman 109: Jim 109 Broad Jtnyal 10t Nihil 101 Aggie Star 101Son of Day 109 Mrea Wagon 11 1 NINTH 3 yr old up 0 fur: Prince Mexican 115 Kufle 110: Brown Wisdom 115: Nieht Rap 110: Altreua live HO Opium 115: Desert Money 1HJMH Kra Urtt Lily 1) Notify lit): annikms Ilf) Young Conard 105 Weather clear track fast Wright allowance claimed Epsom Downs Entries 3 yrmlda 6 fur Hcre'a Lurlt 103 I mon 103 103Joan Macaw m3 Cmiiant 103: Manners Ii7t Cot 103 Arthur Coventry 112: Agent 108 An thonv 107 Royal 107 Aguila Tornillo H2 3 yr0lds 514 fur: Nl IOC: Nn Worry 106 Jieiighl 101 ('arli)e JOO Whiskanta 106 Baby Witt ti7 Oypy lame 100 Panicle 106 Rumtnuck 109 Srar nlda un Marcum 108: Pretty Peg noy tut Tranarn WMIT ID" I vre 10 101 103 108 108 Allowance 2 yr old 4 fur' Merry 107 Jo7 (a)Tlnsel Lady pnnrea Stone 107 Lucky Color 110 (a iTrranhurry 10'2 Cuban Boy 119 (a) Valdina arm entry 3 sr old up 6 fur South ern Way 13 Whisking 109: Garden M'raaage 107: S(ui)iern Belie 95: Dull 'meg 98 IhmUme 105 Gold' ate 107 3yroM up mile: BllehW Hope 107: 0en 11'2: Kranz Baby 112 11'2 Lovely Mary liftParana pass 107 Mirbtgan Lad 117Serenabtt 167 Thumicrtoim Ill: State craft 117 I'erfret rme JOI Autumn Leave 101 Myrtle Jirooka 112 Jodh pur 117 3 yr oMa up mile: Natalia Mae 112 Smoky Mountain 11'2 Bar 117 Caleb 112 Martinez 112 Jay 112 liagen May Dll END GATE LOST rom steel body dump truck reward Inquire WA 9896 MESH BAG LOST Tues night Mayfair Btilkley garage reward LO 4100 PURSE LOST: GREYHOUND BUS TER MINAL REWARD GL 3159 RING LdST Lady's large amethyst an tique vicinity Statler 70 on Euclid liberal reward Call EN 8859 RING LOST: Masonic downtown Tues day liberal reward LOngacre 7830 WATCH LOST Man's white gold reward Box 1853 Plain Dealer' WRIST WATCH LOST: PLATH NUM: 8 DIAMONDS 4 BLUE SAP PHIRES REWARD MA 8670 WANT to extend my sincere thanks and appreciation for the kind messages of sympathy and beautiful floral offerings given by my many neighbors friends and relatives at the death of my beloved hus band also to Rev Lewis for his consol ing words MRS ZIMMERMANN Lodge Notices BRETHREN of Silver Cord Lodge No 651 A You are requested to meet in the lodge room at 2:45 mran Thiirarifi March 19 to attend funeral services for our late brother I Thomas Hood DANIEL ROBINSON YV WM CARPENTER Secy Desirable 161: Well Dfcisrd 0 Allen fem iri Lutz 1U7 Scimitar 117 Hatfield 112 3 yr old up mile: Her Play 107 Miss Savage 101: Th stls Kay 117 Justs Hymn 112 Lpvito 107Reverberate 107 lloptoil 112 Indian Dance 117 Admir 'tl H2i 112: Tieiiatte H2: 17: All Bare 117 Weather clear track last Weight allowance claimed New Orleans Entries 3 and 4 yr old maidens 5'4 fur: liraver Lake 1 18 Hasty Hanna 1 1d: Adnla Hope 113 Verna 113 Boot vale 11)9 Might Surprise 118: Juror 118: No Bid 101 Miss Esther 101 red Alva 109 Twinkling Eye 118 Sang Ho 11s Malay 118 oxes olly lot Rellim 109 Hollv Wreath JOB Louise Dire 104 Worthabet 104 3 yr olds up 5'4 fur: Ehiusazon IOS Imprimis 108 Harold Jr 113 BrlieveltornoL 113: Indefinite ins Hare Timber 108 Pete Horback( 104 Imperial Bob 113 Sun Dora Ill Burgoo 113 Boocrni Hil Dominant Star 108 Hudson Bav 113: Bunly Ann 108: Jildac 101 Shasta Broom 113 Title Star 108 Lady Crusader 108 THIRD vr olda up 1A miles: Cor tfc John lilt) Lefler 111 Lord Dean 111 Blind Hill 106 Lucky Turn 104 Rex Regent 114 Later On 11'2 Proba tioner lit St Omer 111 Cloud 1)9: Vcsee Hl 109 Chiefs Troilbadnr HI: Discobolus 111 Scotch Tom Ill Just Imagine 104Ski 101: Wild Daughter 101 OURTH 4 vr oVl up 1 A miles: Sporting Maudie 109 Little Ina 107Col Cloister 101) Camp Parole 114 Pangloas 1)4: Dr Potter 109 ('rclilu 114 Bird 109 Viper 112 Enola 107 Transit 106 Boston Common 109 Captain Danger 114 Wood 101 4 yr old up 1 mile: Ifa "iiroauway Kurdair IU7 Call JAY PARRISH CO ANYTIME ANYWHERE LA l3La TTTK JOHN I NUNN CO 2041 89th st at' Euclid CEdar 1464 PASS BOOKS BOUGHT SOLD QUOTED otis co Cuyahoga Bldg CHerry 0260 CASH OK PASS BOOKS CITY TATRA AETNA OHIO MUTUAL irst National Securities Corp MONAHAN co0 1912 Union Trust Bldg CH 523 SAVING and Loan Co mortgage if you have one on your property we can refinance it with an HA loan witli lower monthly payments and interest reduction on your principal Call or seo us for immediate action and service LESLIE HEALY ASSOC ATES 789 UNI ON TRUST BLDG MA 0808 WE BUY AND SELL ALL PASS BOOKS KRANTZ NEWTON CO 1016 Hippodrom Bldg PR 1016 CASH OR QUINCY CITY AETNA Atlas Guardian Union Mutual Tatra LIQUIDATING INANCE CORP 750 pect inance Bldg CH 477 PASS BOOKS UP TO ULL VALUE ALLOWED ON PURCHASE URNITURE THE BROOKLYN URNITURE CO 4161 PEARL RD SHADYSIDE 1050 CASH OR PASS BOOKS OR WE CAN EXCHANGE OR SECURITIES PAY ING OUR TO TEN PER CENT IN TEREST OR DIVIDENDS ACKLEY ROESSLER INC 1255 Terminal Tower PR 10o5 Cash for Bank Accounts Call us before you sell your Savings and Loan Accounts or Bank Claims CO 504 Union Trust Bldg CHerry I860 LOANS ON LISTED SECURITIES LEGAL RATES CUYAHOGA INANCE CO 1030 Euclid ave Room 4'21 PR 3310 ALL PASS BOOKS BOUGHT AND SOLD BRUCE CO 903 idelity Bldg CH 7108 YOU ARE JUDGED BY SPEECH coach you privately in the art of cul tured conversation LAkewood 584 REE MARCELLING and hair cutting daily except Sat White Cross School 208 Huron 9th Bldg CH 6519 LADIES TAUGHT correct cafe driving Dual Control Driving School HE 1430 ALSE TEETH repaired while you wait Dr Kessler 280 Old Arcade Est 20 years Epsom Downs Results 5 fur time 1:07: i ninn KIR THOMAS MelocheALBANE Parke joanpur von aivito Totter All Bays High Bottom Cornelia SEVENTH rolo H'r i iswk 115: EI JU7 Cieduloun UP i JSIJ a 1 mK It Mr (1 Bhb A ra i jUIH EU wL IO i ufiSiixi hULw EffwWiK i Ji i feat I.

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Author: Nicola Considine CPA

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Author information

Name: Nicola Considine CPA

Birthday: 1993-02-26

Address: 3809 Clinton Inlet, East Aleisha, UT 46318-2392

Phone: +2681424145499

Job: Government Technician

Hobby: Calligraphy, Lego building, Worldbuilding, Shooting, Bird watching, Shopping, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.